CMD's New Year Message

1st January 2022
Wishing you & your family a very Happy New Year 2022!
May this New Year bring cheer & happiness in your life. Since last two years, all of us are facing challenges both at the Company and personal level due to COVID-19. While 2020 was bad, 2021 posed severe challenges with the Delta Variant. Though the Omicron Variant is round the corner but it seems the worst is over and the health challenges will also be on downward trend in 2022.
Despite the pandemic, the performance of CONCOR has been exemplary in 2021 with every quarter giving record breaking performance. All CONCOR terminals were operational 24x7 during the pandemic supplying essential commodities across the country.
Further, new initiatives for Customer Value Creation are being taken in the field of IT, Agri-Logistics & Bulk Movement, Container as a Warehouse, Indigenous Manufacturing of Containers, Business Solutions etc., to provide Total Logistics Solutions to bring down the cost of Logistics and fulfil the dream of our Hon’ble Prime Minister to make a truly ‘आत्मनिर्भर भारत’.
With best wishes,
V. Kalyana Rama
Chairman & Managing Director